The members of Cedar River Bowmen extend a cordial invitation and welcome you to join us as our goal is to foster, expand, and perpetuate the practice of archery, the spirit of good fellowship among all archers, and encourage the use of the bow in hunting of all legal game. We offer primitive camping and have a Flat Range 15 - 100 yards, a Broadhead Range 20 - 50 yards, 2 walk through unmarked yardage Animal Target Courses, 2 walk through marked yardage Field Target Courses, and a Clubhouse with an indoor range. We feel that we have one of the finest archery ranges anywhere, with facilities that both the tournament archer and bowhunter can enjoy. Come and see why archers say, "It's the Best Archery Club in the Pacific Northwest".
Cedar River Bowmen is operated as a private, non-profit corporation and relies upon its members for required services and maintenance. Almost any special skill we might require is generally found within our membership and we encourage full and active participation. Whether you are just getting started in archery, want to become more involved, or are already involved, we would like you to consider the advantages of a membership, and belonging to CRB. We ask that your conduct at all archery activities be such that it will bring credit to you, the sport, and to Cedar River Bowmen.
You can apply online under the "Join Us" tab. Your membership is approved after your application is received and your payment clears. If you would like any further information, please email "Membership" listed under contact us.
Here are just a few of the benefits a membership with CRB will bring you:
Range facilities available on a year-round basis. Personal key to unlock the roadway gates and Clubhouse. Primitive camping is available. Monthly Club newsletter. Tournaments for both the field and hunting archer. Annual awards for successful CRB game hunters. Enjoy the camaraderie and make new friends with similar interests. Learn about our sport from some of Washington's most experienced archers and bowhunters. Improve your skills using our spectacular facilities!
There are six (6) types of Membership available: Regular, Junior, Senior, Military, Non-Local Voting, and Non-Local Non-Voting. Memberships are based on the calendar year and are pro-rated. Prorated membership dues do not apply to delinquent member(s), Non-Local Voting or Non-Local Non-Voting Member(s).
Jan – Mar Apr – Jun Jul – Sept Oct - Dec (If New Membership is purchased in the last quarter of the year, the following year is included)
New Regular Member
$150.00 $130.00 $110.00 $150.00
New Junior Member
$ 25.00 $ 20.00 $ 15.00 $ 25.00
New Senior Member
$106.00 $ 86.00 $ 66.00 $106.00
New Military Member
$ 75.00 $ 55.00 $ 35.00 $ 75.00
New Non-Local Voting Member (Outside a 50 Mile Radius of CRB)
$60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00
New Non-Local Non-Voting Member (Outside a 50 Mile Radius of CRB)
$40.00 $40.00 $40.00 $40.00
MEMBERSHIP CARDS ARE REQUIRED. Once you've become a member you will be able to print out a membership card by logging into the CRB web site, click on your member icon. A drop-down menu will appear and click on "View Profile". Your profile screen will appear with your Membership Card. Click on "Download to Smart Phone" or "Printable PDF" under the Membership card. Members, please download the Wild Apricot for Members app. Android users please go to the google play store and Apple users please go to the app store.
NOTE: Renewing "Working" Regular and Senior Members will receive a Forty-dollar ($40.00) discount towards their annual dues if: Renewing "Working" Regular/Senior Member has contributed the necessary amount of time and/or labor at work parties, tournaments, shoots, and events, or Bownanza from the previous year and dues are paid by February fifteenth (15th) of the renewing year. Contribution of a minimum amount of time and/or labor at work parties and/or tournaments/shoots/events is required. For 2025, eight (8) hours will be needed. ALL Members are encouraged to contribute more than the minimum hours required. NOTE: Regular Members that have a spouse or domestic partner who resides at the same residence and using CRB facilities for archery will be required to contribute sixteen (16) hours to receive the $40 discount.
Regular Membership is for those archers from the age of eighteen (18) through sixty-four (64) years of age. Regular Member Privileges and Requirements: A Regular Member in good standing may participate fully in the business and activities of CRB. Entitled for nomination and to hold office. Voting privileges are granted to all Regular Members of CRB who are in good standing. Includes Regular Member’s spouse or domestic partner who resides at the same residence, and all children under the age of eighteen (18) whose parent or legal guardian is a Regular Member. Participation to serve on committees and help at other CRB functions.
Junior Membership is for those archers under eighteen (18) years of age. A Junior Membership is for anyone not having a parent or legal guardian as a member of CRB and must be sponsored by an adult CRB member in good standing.
Senior Membership is for those archers sixty- five (65) years of age and older. All Senior Member Privileges and Requirements are the same as a Regular Member.
Military Membership is for those archers who are active full time in the military, are fully retired from the military, or are fully disabled from the military. Military Members are encouraged to contribute a minimum of eight (8) hours of time and/or labor at work parties and/or tournaments/shoots/events. All Military Member Privileges are the same as a Regular Member.
Non-Local Voting Membership is for those archers outside a fifty (50) mile radius of CRB and the age of eighteen (18) years or older. Non-Local Voting Member Privileges: A Non-Local Voting Member in good standing may participate fully in the business and activities of CRB. Entitled for nomination and to hold office. If he/she is an officer of the Board, they must fulfill all requirements in conjunction with that Board position. Voting privileges are granted to all Non-Local Voting Members of CRB who are in good standing. Includes Non-Local Voting Member’s spouse or domestic partner who resides at the same residence, and all children under the age of eighteen (18) whose parent or legal guardian is a Non-Local Voting Member. Participation to serve on committees, contribution of time and labor at CRB work parties and tournaments/shoots/events, and other CRB functions.
Non-Local Non-Voting Membership is for those archers outside a fifty (50) mile radius of CRB and the age of eighteen (18) years or older. Non-Local Non-Voting Members may not participate in voting at CRB. Non-Local Non-Voting Members are not entitled for nomination or election into office. Includes Non-Local Non-Voting Member’s spouse or domestic partner who resides at the same residence, and all children under the age of eighteen (18) whose parent or legal guardian is a Non-Local Non-Voting Member. Contribution of time and labor at work parties and tournaments/shoots/events, and other CRB functions is requested.